Ferma Borsa - Creșterea animalelor cu pasiune

Creştem animale în Maramureș, cu utilaje moderne pentru eficiență maximă.

Ferma Borsa - Traditie și Calitate

În inima Maramureșului, creștem animale cu grijă, folosind tehnologii moderne pentru a asigura eficiență și calitate în produsele noastre.

Inside a barn, there are several large bales of hay stacked high. A green piece of farm machinery, possibly used for animal handling, stands nearby. Next to it are multiple large bags of feed on pallets, and some scattered wooden pallets on the ground. The interior of the barn is partially visible, with a roof and metal beams.
Inside a barn, there are several large bales of hay stacked high. A green piece of farm machinery, possibly used for animal handling, stands nearby. Next to it are multiple large bags of feed on pallets, and some scattered wooden pallets on the ground. The interior of the barn is partially visible, with a roof and metal beams.
A barn interior featuring several cows tethered in stalls, with farmhands attending to them. The barn has concrete walls, a high ceiling, and a large opening at one end allowing natural light to enter. A farmer holding equipment walks along the center aisle lined with straw.
A barn interior featuring several cows tethered in stalls, with farmhands attending to them. The barn has concrete walls, a high ceiling, and a large opening at one end allowing natural light to enter. A farmer holding equipment walks along the center aisle lined with straw.
Industrial farming equipment with multiple rows of blue metal discs and blades arranged in a symmetrical pattern, against a gravel surface.
Industrial farming equipment with multiple rows of blue metal discs and blades arranged in a symmetrical pattern, against a gravel surface.

Despre Noi

Specializați în creșterea vacilor, porcilor și găinilor, oferim servicii de sacrificare și vânzare, respectând cele mai bune practici din domeniu.

Servicii Ferma Borsa

Crestem si ingrijim animale in zona montana din Borsa, Maramures.

Cresterea animalelor

Specializati in cresterea vacilor, porcilor si gainilor pentru vanzare si sacrificare in Borsa.

pig with piglet
pig with piglet
Utilaje mecanizate

Folosim utilaje moderne pentru a eficientiza si simplifica munca in ingrijirea animalelor noastre.

Servicii de sacrificare animale, respectand standardele de igiena si bunastare pentru animale.

Sacrificare animale
green and black lawnmower on green grass
green and black lawnmower on green grass
raw meat on brown wooden chopping board
raw meat on brown wooden chopping board


Several cattle are lined up in a fenced area, with visible ear tags and horns. The setup seems to be indoors or under a shelter, with a simple backdrop of walls and metal railings.
Several cattle are lined up in a fenced area, with visible ear tags and horns. The setup seems to be indoors or under a shelter, with a simple backdrop of walls and metal railings.
A cow with light brown fur is standing indoors against a wooden wall. It is wearing a black and green halter, with a brass ring attached to its nose. The cow is surrounded by hay, creating a rustic farm setting.
A cow with light brown fur is standing indoors against a wooden wall. It is wearing a black and green halter, with a brass ring attached to its nose. The cow is surrounded by hay, creating a rustic farm setting.
Several black and white cows are situated in a barn with a structured ceiling and concrete flooring. Some cows are lying down while others are standing near metallic fence structures. The environment appears to be a typical dairy farm setup with signs of cleanliness and maintenance.
Several black and white cows are situated in a barn with a structured ceiling and concrete flooring. Some cows are lying down while others are standing near metallic fence structures. The environment appears to be a typical dairy farm setup with signs of cleanliness and maintenance.
A row of cows with brown and white markings is lined up inside a barn, eating fresh green hay from a feeding trough. The animals are collared and numbered, and the barn's structure includes metal bars and wooden elements. Sunlight filters through the open areas.
A row of cows with brown and white markings is lined up inside a barn, eating fresh green hay from a feeding trough. The animals are collared and numbered, and the barn's structure includes metal bars and wooden elements. Sunlight filters through the open areas.
A rural farm setting with a barn structure in the background and a group of cylindrical hay bales wrapped in plastic film stacked to the right. The ground is covered with patches of grass and dirt. A horse stands behind a metal gate in the middle of the image.
A rural farm setting with a barn structure in the background and a group of cylindrical hay bales wrapped in plastic film stacked to the right. The ground is covered with patches of grass and dirt. A horse stands behind a metal gate in the middle of the image.

La Ferma Borsa ne ocupam cu creșterea animalelor. Utilajele mecanizate ne facilitează munca, iar animalele sunt bine îngrijite.

person holding brown animal's tongue
person holding brown animal's tongue


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